What is Serverless Computing?

Got baffled by the name my friends🙊

Its not like you don’t need servers for computing.

It only means that the developers need not wrack their heads about the server availability.  It is the responsibility of the cloud provider and they bill clients as per demand.

Let us brief you with a small example.

Booking out gas cylinders was so common right when we were young?

If you miss it, mom will go bonkers!! And you are without 🍳 food.

Even then both booking and delivery infrastructure was in place. But  giving a call and getting it scheduled was our piece right

Every home had a gas cylinder dedicated. Well, now we live in apartments and piped gas has made us forget those times.

This can be compared to serverless computing. Simply pay as per your use. Management of gas cylinders is not anyone’s headache anymore. They are assured that from the common cylinder pool gas will be made available whenever they need it.

Similarly –
‘Serverless’ computing runs on servers, but it is up to the cloud vendor to provision server space as it is needed by the application; no specific machines are assigned for a given function or application.

On the other hand, each container lives on one machine at a time and uses the operating system of that machine, though moving them to a different machine is no big deal!
PS: I have taken the liberty of cooking gas as an example. This is just a creative liberty to explain a concept fluidly.

PS: Going by that analogy, my grandmom used to own her fuel. She would cut the wood herself and it would take her ages to do it (Just like owning Servers 🙊) I wonder if she could have been a cloud mafia now!!

PS: Don’t sue me for those examples 🙈