• Afrog

    Afrog is a high-performance vulnerability scanner that is fast and stable. It supports user-defined PoC and comes with several built-in types, such as CVE, CNVD, default passwords, information disclosure, fingerprint identification, unauthorized access, arbitrary file reading, and command execution.

  • Aquatone

    Aquatone is a tool that allows users to visually inspect websites across a large number of hosts. It can also be used to perform reconnaissance on domain names. 

  • Arachni

    Web application security scanner framework

  • Armitage

    A free and open-source graphical cyber attack management tool. Armitage helps red team members visualize their targets and provides recommendations for exploits and attacks.

  • Backslash-Powered-Scanner

    Finds unknown classes of injection vulnerabilities

  • Banli

    High-risk asset identification and high-risk vulnerability scanner.

  • BeEF

    A free and open-source browser exploitation penetration testing tool. BeEF can integrate with Metasploit and uses attack vectors to target different web browsers and contexts.

  • Blackwidow

    A Python based web application scanner to gather OSINT and fuzz for WASP vulnerabilities on a target website.

  • Bully

    A free and open-source WPS brute-force attack tool. Bully is written in the C programming language and offers improved memory and CPU performance compared with Reaver.

  • Cariddi

    Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more.

  • Cowpatty

    A free and open-source brute-force WPA2-PSK password cracking tool. CoWPAtty can help users identify weak passphrases that generate the pairwise master key (PMK).

  • Dirsearch

    Dirsearch is Tool that performs bruteforce attack of sensitive directories and files that are found on the websites.